Looking back at blogging, I can't believe I've been part of this virtual world for so long. Lolly was 18 months old when I started blogging. She just turned 9! Wow! And H.G. will be turning 3 next month. Time flies when you're having fun (or one is just plain busy!)
I have been thinking about getting back to blogging for a few months now and have finally committed to doing so. I have so many things to tell you, new fun discoveries to share and many family activities that I'd just like to document for posterity.
So let's catch up first.
Lolly is 9. NINE! Fourth grade and yes, she's just as tiny as she's always been. It's been difficult the past couple of years to dress her like a big girl (now tween) while she's been fitting in size 4s and 5s. She finally hit the 6s and 7s and we're into.... (big sigh) JUSTICE. It's not that I have anything against Justice. It's just expensive (for the quality) and thankfully my child (she is my child after all) has no issue with buying the same $29 shirt at TJMaxx for $7.
You heard that right....my sweet girly girl is a tween. Which means I have very little say (to a parenting point, of course) as to what she wears. She visited family in our ole' sweet home, Kentucky, this summer and before she left she removed all her Lilly from her closet and put it all in H.G.'s closet (you heard that right, she REMOVED ALL HER LILLY FROM HER CLOSET!)
I can't complain. She is her own person and she is incredibly bright and kind. I would trade fashion choice any day for her kind, loving, God-fearing heart. She is an absolutely incredible person and her daddy and I are SO proud of her.
Anyways....on to the catch up pictures.
H.G. January. She just had to show off her fabulously stylish outfit. I don't care what some say....jeans on babies are just adorable. And her booties!! Love them. Plus, we live in South Florida, so sweater weather is very far and few between, so I'll take it! |
Auntshleigh took this picture (more on her updates later....she had another baby! 18 months ago). Love that we can visit and play at the beach in February.
Her shirt says it all. |
With Auntshleigh during her visit to Florida. My girls adore her. |
Mother's Day (day before). Daddy had to work so we drove out to the beach for the day. |
This girl's sense of adventure is endearing. She sees joy in just about anything and everything she sees and encounters This picture says it all. |
Adults only annual vacation with some of our best friends, Mike and Rachel. One word. Cozumel Rocks (okay, two words). |
Disney with these two. This was a super fun trip. Not to mention, these two. Best friends. Despite their age difference, I don't ever see these two being anything but besties. Lolly will be (IS) a fabulous big sis. |
Despite our fashion difficulties, still still lets me dress her in matching Disney outfits. Love that girl. |
I have no idea why she's wearing a sweatshirt......in May. She spent four weeks this summer in Kentucky and she swears (after many years of saying so) that she will go to college in Kentucky. We're not complaining. Maybe this is winter wardrobe training? Needless to say, we had a fun time on the teacups (daddy refuses this ride, he has a weak tummy). |
Last picture before she left for Kentucky for FOUR WEEKS WITHOUT ME!!!! And she was there on her 9th birthday. Never again. :-)
You can tell she has a zany personality. |
Again. LIFE. She LOVES LIFE! |
Watermelon at the Kentucky family reunion. |
This one still lets me dress her. She goes nowhere without her boots. |
We stopped in Gatlinburg / Pigeon Forge on the way back to Florida. It was Disney less the lines, expense and crowds. It was awesome and the roller coasters were WAY better. We will be going back again sometime soon. |
In the sky lift on the way to Ober Gatlinburg. HUGE HUGE HUGE waste of money and about three hours time for this massive tourist trap (never again). BUT the ride up and down was pretty impressive....AND I got this sweet picture.
That's all for now! |