If you don't know which movie this famous Christmas house is from, then you haven't truly experienced Christmas! Well, okay...I guess you can experience Christmas without it, but you'd be missing out.
Probably my mom's least favorite movie because us kids watched it over and over and over again, during any month of the year, at my grandparent's house for YEARS!!!
My dad, brother, Husband and I however, throroughly enjoy it more and more every year.
Can you guess?
That's right....that would be The Christmas Story. A story about a young, bullied boy, with a crazy father, a soft-spoken mother and a little brother who just "...can't put my arms down!" I can hear his voice now.
While the house itself is not fully adorned with Christmas decorations, it is still a well known Christmas house that will hopefully stick around and become another Wizard of Oz or Sound of Music (okay, exagheratting again, but you know what I mean.)
My Husband has always thought it would be nice to have one of these barn sinks. If you look in House Beautiful and several other home magazines, these sinks have come back into style and are quite functional as well. I actually really like the green cabinets (though maybe not quite as pea green). Very mission style, a style that I've always loved.
Ah, nothing says Christmas like a fake leg lamp in the window. We all know the contreversy around this leg. And if you don't.....GO RENT THE MOVIE! "Fra-geeee-leyyyyy"
I love the telephones from those days. I'm sure people back then thought the contraption was a little modern for household taste. I can say the same of telephones these days with all their high-tech gadets. I love these old phones. I guess it's just a reminder of the times, a little more simple in the 1940's. "It was....It was.....soa, soap-poisoning!" -Insert loud cries.
One of the things I love about this house is the simplicity of Christmas. I mean, every other Christmas movie has the entire house decorated in green and red from carpet to wallpaper and even the furniture!
I don't know about you but I sure do have fun putting away my normal season furniture into my outside storage shed and bringing in my Christmas furniture.
Not with this house. They have the gaudy real tree that drops pine needles and a few streamers in the dining room, the typical simple decorations that don't look like a stylist came in and charged you an arm and a leg in decorating fees.
It's just simple.... perfect!
Here's that gaudy tree I talked about. I love it!! I love the HUGE massive bulbs (I think my parents still own some of the massive bulb Christmas lights). The lopsided star and the cheap tinsel. It's great.
Now I know this is not of the house, but it's what I've always imagined shopping would be. A department store filled with decorations with people absolutely packed into the store with their puffy jackets, scarves and gloves.
In South Florida, we go to the mall in tee-shirts and shorts, so even though it actually is as crowded as elsewhere, there's less surface area covered as we don't have all the puffiness!
I miss the puffiness. :(
If you missed Famous Christmas House #1 - Click HERE!
Happy Tuesday Y'all!