First off, please don’t forget to enter the Marley Lilly giveaway! It ends today at 5:00 p.m.!

Onto the subject of today’s post….Pur Minerals (the “u” in Pur is supposed to have those little double dots above it, but I can’t figure out how to insert symbols).
I started using Pur Minerals by accident actually. Auntshleigh told me how much she loves Bare Minerals, so I ran up to ULTA, picked up a starter kit of a blush, 4 in 1 powder and a bronzer. I fell in love with the blush and powder (I’m really too pale for bronzer).
After a while, I realized I wasn’t using BARE Minerals….but rather I had gotten them mixed up in the store. But I am not sorry in the least! I LOVE this stuff.
So, I started experimenting with some other Pur Minerals products. Let me tell you, my face has never looked or felt better! I do use a couple other non- Pur Minerals products, so I’ll detail it all out here.
First, I wash my face with Bliss Foaming Face Wash with my Clarisonic. It doesn’t dry out my face in the least bit however, controls the oil in my T-zone. And let me tell you, I have some oily t-zone (bleh!) And of course, love the Clarisonic… face is cleaner and healthier than ever. You have no idea how much gunk (not including makeup) ends up on your face and Clarisonic cleans it all out!

Second, I smear on Pur Minerals Under Control. This stuff is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. I saw results instantly! You smear this on your face to control the oil throughout the entire day….it’s a matte finish and once it’s on, it really feels like the oil in under control. I can’t describe it. The first day I used this amazing stuff….I came home at 6 pm that night and my makeup was all still perfectly in place…blush and all! I am a face toucher during the day, so this is amazing. The first few days I wore it, I kept touching my nose to see if the oil was rearing it’s ugliness. It wasn’t! And my face is not dry at all! I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend this product. And, yes, I use it all over my face, not just my t-zone.

Third, I smear on MAC’s Lightful Deep Ultramoisture Crème. I’ve been using this for about 6 months now and I have never in my life completed a tub of moisturizer just to go out and buy more. Never. Until now. Recently, MAC was out of this gel-like moisturizer and I was scooping every last bit I could out of my tub. I then had to go to another moisturizer and my face went disgusting with pimples within two days. Yuck! I finally have it back and my face is back to normal. It is so lightweight and after using it for a while, your skin actually starts to brighten. I love it!

At night, I then wait a couple hours (I’ll wash my face at 8 pm) and then I’ll put on Retin-A. I’ve never needed Retin-A for acne, but I use it to help keep my skin young and healthy as I grow older. It’s never to early to start battling wrinkles! Of course, if you’ve never used it, beware….your skin WILL peel off. So, I wouldn’t suggest starting it…..oh….two weeks before a major social event. I’d remain a recluse for a month or so. Just warning you!

Now….for the makeup. First, I apply Pur Minerals Color Correcting Primer in neutral. You can also get in green for those who have redness, like Rosacea or acne scarring, or peach. The first time I used this stuff, I couldn’t tell if I was getting enough on. If felt like liquid powder (if you can imagine). I rubbed it on and then thought “is this stuff still there, is it working.” Heck yeah it works! Between this and the Under Control, my face is set!

Next, I use Pur Minerals 4 in 1 Pressed Mineral Makeup. It’s a primer, foundation, concealer and SPF all in one. I am a great believer in SPF as I’m extremely pale skinned, in the South Florida sun, so this is very important (no matter where you live). And the makeup is for all skin types, but since it’s not a liquid, you’re not inviting oil to come hang out and you’re allowing your face to breath. I was skeptical at first, and it did take a week of practice, but now, I won’t ever go back to liquid makeup. In fact, I don’t even own any liquid makeup…..even concealers!

Next, I put on blush and mascara. That’s it. I don’t feel I need to put on any other makeup, no eye shadows and eyeliners. The process above takes care of it all. (I say “feel” because someone else might think differently! Ha!)
This sounds like a lot, but my face washing to makeup, takes 5 minutes (of course, I brush my teeth between moisturizer and makeup, to give it a chance to dry).
So, there you have it, my skin regime, morning and night! Is there something you absolutely can’t live without?
Happy Tuesday Y’all!