How sweet! Mrs. Wendy over at
Madras and Pearls was kind enough to pass along this lovely blog award to me. I love Madras and Pearls, we have commented on each others blogs since the beginning of mine nearly a year ago and we've emailed on a few occassions. She's a genuine person, currently struggling with job seeking, all while doing so with class and her pearl studs! Plus, she's a fellow Floridian, so I hope to one day meet her! I just love Mrs. Wendy, she's one of my favorite reads! She's got great posts and tips on interior decorating too (most of them super easy for the "wanna-bes" like me! Hop on over and visit her.
The rules are to post 10 random things about yourself and then pass on to 10 other deserving bloggers. (We did something similar last night for a JL ice-breaker, I think I'll steal from those!)
1. I secretely want to be a pilot - not just any pilot, an Air Force pilot! The thought of being in a jet, flying at unbelievable speed, ust thrills me. Of course, this will never happen, but I have great respect for those in the Air Force, and any armed forces for that matter, right now!
2. I am a flavored Coffee-mate junkie (I currently have 4 different flavors at my office). I'm telling you, this is why I cannot get rid of the baby-gut, all those tablespoon(SSSSSS) of Coffee-mate a day is going right to my belly.
3. My family has a dog named, U.K. He was 3 when we got him and his name was Yukon. Everyone kept asking if we were U of Conn. fans. Not that we don't like UConn, we're just die-hard Kentucky fans. He wouldn't respond to anything else, so it morphed into U.K.
4. I LOVE college FOOTBALL!!! I had to teach my husband the rules as he'd never watched it when I met him (how could this be I wondered considering he went to U.K.) I get very vocal too.
5. Today I'm wearing black and white polka dots, on my shirt, and my shoes. Here's a picture, aren't they cute (and yes, they're heels and my hip is not going to be thanking me later!

6. I can't use a regular calculator, it throws me off (I can't do 10-9 = 1). I have to use an accounting calculator (10 = 9 - to get the answer one), and I do so at incredible speeds.
7. I was a pharmacy technician in college and can still remember most generic names matched up with brand names and pronounce them (except the new drugs). I have NO clue what they do though.
8. I have Hashimoto's thyroid disease. It's an auto-immune disease and was the unfortunate cause of four miscarriages. I am now medicated and fine and have a beautiful 2 year old daughter!
9. New things I've found that I love:
the Mom Agenda - this is fantastic for combining my work and personal calander, I can't use two - too complicated! My friend Ashleigh got me hooked on this
heel therapy lotion from Target for $5.99 in the Dr. Scholl's section, not the lotion section. It's fabulous! I have recently, through many bloggers/twitter people, discoverd more about the
Clarsonic, and I want one! Last but not least, Dry Shampoo - I have very thin/fine hair. Washing too often dries it out, washing too little makes it greasy. The
dry shampoo powder from
Oscar Blandi at Sephora is my favorite as it doesn't leave a white residue.
10. We are going to the Keys in January with my parents. Sad really, we've lived in South Florida for 8.5 years and have NEVER been to the Florida Keys. We're super excited!
Okay, I'm not being lazy here. I truly did look at all my blogs trying to figure out who to give this too and I couldn't decide (I wrote this about an hour ago and have been surfing the blogs since - "bad girl - you're at work!!")

So, if you blog, you get this....I love all the blogs, I can't pick just ten. Now, I MUST get to work!