2000 - I met my future Husband. I was babysitting a friend's dog who had broken it's back when he came to the door. I knew right then and there, I was in love (he didn't figure it out for a while though!) When I become a little braver, I might disclose the embarrassing details of that day! It's quite funny!
2001 - Future Husband graduated from the University of Kentucky College of Engineering, obtained his first job and we moved to South Florida (I had graduated from Transylvania University in 1999). In October, we became engaged.
2002 - After being jobless since October 2001, I started my career in commercial real estate in February (I was in residential prior). AND Husband and I got married in June.
2003 - Husband and I bought our first house and THE dog U.K., our fantabulous golden retriever, entered our lives. (His name was Yukon and everyone thought that meant UConn. We quickly changed that!) I was also re-baptized as a Christian after some tumultuous trials and tribulations with my faith over my college years.
2004 - Husband moved jobs to a new company where he became well respected and known across several counties in Florida as the expert in his particular field (I'm so proud of him).
2005 - I started a new job as Director of Commercial Real Estate Property Management and Construction for a company covering multiple counties. I continue there today and love it!!
2006 - Husband and I decided to start trying for a baby, lost four babies (one at fifteen weeks) and nearly made a move to Atlanta. In November, we decided not to move after much deliberation and three weeks later, found out we were pregnant with Lallie (good decision not to move - the Lord works in mysterious ways)!
2007 - Our beautiful, gorgeous, 1st daughter, Lallie was born in July, after two month's of bedrest and some difficult medical issues. We thank God everyday for this beautiful baby. Husband passed the Florida P.E. licensing test on his first take and I passed the National CSM licensing test on the first try (studying with a newborn? It's a wonder I passed!) AND, two weeks before Lallie arrived, Husband started a new job as an Assistant Director of Utilities and Director of Engineering!
2008 - After some remodeling, we put our house on the market for 9 months and failed at selling. We later completely remodeled the kitchen and master bathroom and sold it in early 2009 in three weeks! It was worth the efforts (Husband is remodeling king, he practically did it all himself. I learned how to lay tile and am now a "carpentress.")
2009 - We sold our home and bought our second house in Florida. A much bigger house, with a pool on a golf course in which we can host loads and loads of family and friends (including EVENTUALLY another baby :-)!
How about your decade??? Good, bad, ups, downs? Worst or best?