Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sandbar Fun and Maternity Work OOTD

This weekend, Husband cleaned up the boat and we were able to head out to the sandbar for our first outing of the season!  We're a little later than most folks, but better late than never!

It was very windy, don't mind the hair!
No Lallie does not get to eat Doritos's often (and no longer will they be allowed on the boat!  Orange fingerprints were everywhere).  We went out right after church, so we swung through 7-11 and Doritos's and M & M's is what results when Husband goes shopping!  Lallie and Daddy were clearly in cahoots!
Isn't the water gorgeous?  It was so clear and the color of emeralds!  Love it!

We also headed out for a family date night.  Here's Lallie's choice of attire.  She LOVES her big sister shirt and wants to wear it everywhere.  It is a little too big, so she tied it up in a hair tie, threw on some sunglasses (which later became adorned with red and yellow ribbons) and yes, that is a headband on top of her hat.

I love Lallie's sense of accessorizing!  However, I did "school" her a little on this topic, so after a shoe change, sunglasses and hat removal and little shirt work, we headed out to dinner and then for frozen yogurt. Chocolate, thus the brown toothy smile!

Now onto the Maternity Work OOTD.  I really need to find a better way of getting these pictures!
Pink Blush skirt, plain white tee from Nordstrom's, Lia Sophia necklace (retired) and caramel colored wedges.  

And a belly shot!  13 weeks!  Ultrasound today, YAY!!

Happy Wednesday Y'all!


  1. You crack me up how you stand and the looks on your face in your OOTD pics. Try smiling :-).

    1. You goofball! ;) Didn't you see my comment "I really need to find a better way of getting these pictures." ??? The mirror is short, not hanging on the wall and slanted like crazy to get my full length in. If I stand too far away, it's all blurry due to lighting and if I stand to close I have to hunch down (which will be harder with a big belly!) I will make a point to smile next time even though you can't see my face. Heehee....xoxo

    2. Yes, I saw your comment. I'm talking about the hand on your hip and your one knee cocked. And you can see your face because I could tell you weren't smiling! Take note of the belly pic I posted on facebook. Full belly shot AND a smiling face! Goofball!

  2. Love that skirt! I wish my family lived closer to the water--boating is a favorite of mine!

    1. This skirt will remain in my closet, it is SO comfy and doesn't necessarily have to be maternity.

  3. Oh now what a cute little baby bump! You look precious!!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  4. She is so cute. I think every girl has gone out of control with the accessories. I love your outfit.

  5. Your daughter is just precious and loving your maternity style!

  6. I have been so MIA from blogging, I missed that you were having another baby! Yay, congrats!! and Miss Lallie is growing up, she is so cute!!
