Friday, March 16, 2012

Lallie's Newest Outfit

What a week!  It's been crazy at work and my mother-in-law has been in town all week for Lallie's spring break.  I've been trying to rush out of work early so I can get home timely to relieve her (Lallie can be exhausting these days since she no longer naps).  Even though I've tried, I haven't been getting home as early as I like and actually, it's been later than usual.  Even Husband has been beating me home!  

Anyways, a couple weeks ago, I finished a new outfit for Lallie.  I made a couple of these in different colors and Lallie loves them (especially her monogrammed shirts).  She especially loves the pink and turquoise outfit and wore it to a birthday party last weekend.  She received quite a few compliments with a lot of moms asking if it was from Blessed Be the Name clothing.  That would be no, but that is certainly where I get a lot of my inspiration!  A few people asked for my email but I'm afraid I'm just too busy to sew much for anyone but Lallie right now, which is perfectly fine by me.  Maybe one day, I'll be able to sew more often.  Anyways, here are some pictures from the birthday party.  Enjoy! 

Gotta love shaved ice!  I was right there with a napkin for fear of blue and pink stains! 
Hey, at least the stains would match the outfit! 

"Seriously mom?  More pictures?"

I'm pretty proud of my little ones arms!  She has quite a bit of strength and whacked the pinata
pretty hard about three times. 
The cupcakes were served plain so the kids could decorate as they wanted. 
 I'm proud that Lallie actually ate the cupcake this time.  Ususally she only eats the icing and toppings.
And of course....the signature after-party crash.
PS - Lallie's Trike-A-Thon is on Monday!!  Thank you SO much to all my blog friends who have donated on Lallie's behalf!  I have to say that I'm quite surprised that so many did donate.  She hasn't made her goal of $800 but I'm super proud that she's raised as much as she did.  $325 (with a couple more checks coming in, including mommy and daddy's donation)....isn't a bad run for a four-year old if you ask me!  There's still time to donate if you wish!  Just click on the picture of Lallie riding her bike at the top of the page.  We thank you in advance!


  1. She is too cute! I love the outfit and all of the pictures!

  2. Super cute outfit!

    Hadn't seen a [post from you in awhile...I was wondering about you yesterday. Have a great weekend!

  3. Okay...I am totally ready to order MY way cool outfit! You are just tooooooooo good! I think I would look smashing, I mean hey if it works for Lallie an almost should work for old Mrs. Kindergarten...Right????

    P.S. After all the Leprechaun fun and making Shamrock Shakes with 27 kindergators I wish someone would let me crash JUST like Lallie!!!
    Let me know if you want the recipe for TOMORROW! Happy St. Pat's Day!!!!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  4. This is an adorable outfit and I am super duper impressed. But it's time for a new blog post.
