Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Lallie Meets Cupcake

We finally made it up to Kentucky.  It's been nearly a year since we last visited, so we decided a trip was in store before BG arrives in October.  I figured that once I was 7 months along in August, I'd be too uncomfortable for major travel and I'm certainly not traveling with an infant, so July 4th week turned out to be the perfect time for a visit.  

It rained nearly the whole time but that didn't stop us from playing on the farm.  It actually made for a very cool and pleasant summer week with lots of time spent outdoors.

The first thing we did upon arrival was meet Cupcake.  Cupcake arrived on the farm about 3 months ago and Lallie has only visited with her via Facetime since, so this was a very big moment for these two friends!  Lallie even wore her special horse t-shirt for the occasion.  She felt that Cupcake might be less nervous if she wore it.  :-)

Lallie LOVED leading Cupcake around the yard and playing with her (though Cupcake, for the most part, just wanted to eat grass).  The sweet mini pony is not yet able to handle riders, she's still a little skiddish, but hopefully soon as Grandaddy has been training her.

What was Mommy doing during all this one-on-one Cupcake play-time?   I was sitting on the front porch with a good book, drinking (sparingly) the Kentucky famous Ale 8 soda.  Yum!  (I say sparingly because it's loaded with caffeine  not extremely fabulous for growing BG).

Since Cupcake is not yet in a riding mood, Bucky took Lallie for a couple spins through the front yard.  Bucky too, for the most part, just wanted to eat.

What did Daddy do for fun?
Yes, that is a bug....on a string.  Apparently, when the boys were little, they tied a string around a june bug's leg and walked them around the a dog.  Yes, you heard that right.  A string on a bug.

We enjoyed lots of home grown veggies while on the farm.

And we did a lot of relaxing on the front porch.

We also roasted wieners and smores on a the rain on the actual Fourth of July.  My sis-in-law, Jess, was the brave soul who roasted all the hot dogs for us (no she didn't eat 10 hot dogs all on her own).  Later that night, Husband set off several fabulous fireworks (again, in the rain).  Nothing was going to stop us from enjoying our outdoor time!

We had a great time visiting the farm!  I have to say, Husband's parents and my parents live in two most relaxing places on earth.  We are lucky to have Kentucky and Apalachicola, Florida as the two places we retreat upon when visiting family.  Both are unbelievably relaxing and fun places to visit where we can slow down and just enjoy life and each other!

Happy Wednesday Y'all!  


  1. That porch looks amazing!! My in-laws have a relaxing place for us to visit too. My parents have a great house on a golf course, but the town they live in sucks! At least they won't be there forever.

  2. What a fun trip! Cupcake is cute :)

    The big photo grosses me out though!

  3. It looks like a wonderful family weekend.
