Thursday, May 17, 2012

Southern Strawberry Shortcake Desert

One thing you've gotta love about the south is the deserts!  We Southerners don't mess around with fat-free, sugar-free and gluten-free.  Nope, just give us the lard and full fat butta cause that's what makes a desert!

I'll admit, about the only thing I've ever baked successfully (yep, a southerner that doesn't bake, c'est moi...) are my Kentucky Derby Pies (or Museum Winner's Pie since technically, the Derby Pie is copyrighted...or is it patented?)  I work really hard on these pies making sure the eggs and butter are room temperature and then time my blending as to not beat the batter into complete submission.
My prior baking experiences, other than a cake-in-a-box (GASP!), include Bisquick biscuits where I actually did beat the batter intocomplete submission resulting in rock hard outsides and battered insides (no I am not exaggerating one bit, it was a travesty.)

And I call myself a Southerner! 

In our home, the resident baker is Husband.  Peach cobbler, brownies, strawberry name it, Husband makes it.  And from scratch.  In fact, Husband made peach cobbler for me at least three times a week during my pregnancy with Lallie.  One night, when Husband didn't have any peaches, I asked "Can you just make the cake part?"  I craved it with a passion.

Last night, it was Strawberry Shortcake.  Husband's Granny's recipe with slightly (and I mean ever-so-slightly) sugared drop biscuits.  A fluffy little piece of heavenly goodness, right there on my Grandma's Corning Ware plate.  Trust me, this little desert will cool the fire left in any Southern girl at the end of the day (and trust did!)

Happy Thursday Y'all!


  1. Mmmmm! I have my Lilly Cream Fraiche shift pressed for tomorrow, so save me some of that divine strawberry shortcake please and thank you! I love for my dessert to match my OOTD! teee heee! Looks delish!!!!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

    (I have a Lemon Bar recipe that was one of my Grammy's favorties. My staff insists I make them for ANY event. If you ever need it, I tell ya it is easy peasy lemon squeezy! And I shall share it with you.)

  2. I need to make that!!! YUM!!!!!!

  3. I am now wanting to go back to the store for the ingredients for strawberry shortckaes now.
