Saturday, December 5, 2009

Whitslin' Dixie in a Nor'easter

I finished reading this book about a week ago and could NOT put it down. I'm now reading another book and can't stop thinking about Whistlin' Dixie in a Nor'easter so, I will be re-reading it. Rarely do I come across a book I like so much that I want to keep it and read it over and over again. As I am not an eloquent writer to describe the book myself, I'll steer you to Lisa Patton's website. This is a must read for any southern born and bred girl and I highly recommend it!


  1. I saw this book somewhere...def want to read it:)

  2. Thanks for the book recommendation! I can't wait to pick it up and have been looking for a good one.

  3. After reading your thoughts I'm off to add it to the online list at the Library, thank you for the tip!

    Hope you have a stellar week Miss SLPS!

  4. Ooh, I love that cover. I'll have to check that out!

  5. I'm going to get this! Thanks for posting about it. I'm from Memphis. Should be a great read=)
