Monday, April 25, 2011

Blog Sale! Paintings & Clothes

 Good morning afternoon y'all!  I will have time to post about Easter this afternoon tomorrow, but for now, a blog sale!  (I started this post this morning and am just now getting around to finishing!)

If you're interested, please email me at SLPREPPY.@GMAIL.COM

First up....remember Pottery Barn Kids having a Nantucket themed room a while back?  Well, I was planning on decorating Lallie's room in that theme however, since I started collecting items, she's decided to change her mind about the sea life theme.  So, first up are these paintings I made.  They are a knock off of the Pottery Barn Kids paintings that sold for $39.00 each.  I'm selling the set of four for $45.00 shipped, which is basically my cost.  I hope someone out there thinks my artistic skills are worth the purchase!  :-)

Here's the Pottery Barn Kids pictures:

And here are my, slightly tweaked, versions:

On the clothing side of the blog sale:

J. Crew Matchstick white jean capris.  Size 28.  $30.00 shipped.

Size Small, Forever 21 blouse with an elastic belt (attached).  $15.0 shipped.

Boutique dress, size Medium (though I wear a size 2 in dresses and size 4 in pants/shorts) and this fit me. 
NWT, never worn.  Just not my style though still very cute.  I tried the trendy phase and it just didn't work for me.
$40.00 shipped.


  1. If I had a little one, I would snap up those pictures in a heartbeat.

    So cute!

    Happy Monday!

  2. Great job on your painting skill girlfriend!

  3. Those paintings look great! If i had somewhere to put them I would definitely buy them. Checkout my blog for a super cute giveaway!

  4. Paintings can be almost as intricate and perfect as photographs; they also offer a lot of artistic license; you will get to look at the lush landscape and the artist’s ability to work creatively at the same time.
    flower paintings
