Saturday, June 27, 2009

One Lovely Blog Award

Thank you Flip Flops & Pearls for my One Lovely Blog Award!

The Rules:

1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her link.

2. Pass the award to 15 other bloggers that you have newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

In no particular order..... here they are!

Vineyard Vogue
Madras and Pearls
The Working Mom Experience
Another Online Mom
Confessions of a Semi-Slacker Mom
Cute Clips & More
Missy In Pink
The Company She Keeps
The Monogrammed Nest
The Pink Clutch
Seersucker Scrapper
Preppy Mama
Pink Cupcake
Pink Cashmere Cardigan
Black Labs and Lilly


  1. How sweet of you! Thank you so very much!!

  2. Thank you so much for the award. I'm glad you stopped by my blog so I could discover yours. It's great! Can't wait to see photos of the new house, especially the laundry room.

  3. Thanks for the award. It's my very first award!

  4. Oh la la! Congratulations, your blog is super lovely. And, many thanks for the tag! I added you to my 06/01/09 post. Thanks again! Xoxo-BLC

  5. Thank you so much! I love your blog!

  6. Thank you! :) You're so sweet!

  7. THANKS! I've been MIA for 5 days or so but am catching up now.

  8. Thanks so much to my fellow SGI lover! :) We may have to meet up at Joe's next year!
