Saturday, October 31, 2009

Carving the Pumpkin!

We decided to make Halloween an entire day and do all related activities in one day, starting with the pumpkin carving. We had a great time and can't wait to display it for all the trick-or-treaters tonight.

No thanks! Lallie didn't want anything to do with the guts!
Daddy and Lallie drawing the face.

Lallie and Daddy carefully cutting the pumpkin's face.

Onto the painting, Lallie's favorite part. She loves to paint anything, which is why I keep them way away out of reach of her tiny little hands!

Oh, Smart and white make pink! All little girl's pumpkins should have some pink! I'll say it again, Smart Daddy!

The finished product, with pink eyebrows, pink lips (and since Lallie is potty training, she made sure the pumpkin had a place for....well, you-know-what! I won't show a picture of that's brown! HAHAHA!

While Lallie is sleeping and Husband is out running errands, I will be working on luminaries for the front walk. I have no idea why I'm doing this, I'm just excited I guess. I've never liked Halloween but for some reason, this year's different. New house, new neighborhood, lots of families and of course, Lallie! So we're going to have lots of fun!

More tomorrow with Lallie in her Princess costume!


  1. How sweet are those pictures! Love the pumpkin! Hope y'all have a fun and safe Halloween!

  2. that is just adorable!!!

    happy halloween

  3. The cutest pumpkin I've seen! :)

    Have a Happy Halloween!

  4. Cute pics! My boys have gotten too big to really enjoy the carvings and such (or so they say... ). Enjoy theses days!

  5. daughter is a doll- love the blonde hair :)

  6. That pumpkin is so perfect. Great Work Southern Family!
