Monday, August 17, 2009

100th Post Giveway - Winner!!!

Whew! I knew you all would want to know the winner of this giveaway, so I quickly tallied up everyone's entry amounts, pasted them all into a spreadsheet, cut them out and then drew the winning name, all first thing this morning at my office. Wow! That takes some time.

So, without further ado, the winner is: Miss Janice from Etiquette with Miss Janice!!!

If you've never heard of Miss Janice, head on over to her blog. It will not disappoint. She is the front runner in proper etiquette and blogs as such, along with many other interests including her love of Lilly, all things pink and green, tablescapes, fashion etc. I always enjoy reading her blog and gaining inspiration from her ideas. One thing's for sure: when Lallie turns four in a couple of years, she will be enrolled in Miss Janice's etiquette course for wee ones. We fully intend to raise our daughter to be a proper southern little lady and any little bit will help in this day and age!

Thanks to everyone who entered my 100th post giveaway and congratulations Miss Janice. Your feet will definitely thank you for entering my contest! Please email your address to me so I can mail your goodies to you! Or, we could always meet at your favorite lunch spot - Panera Bread!!! :-)

Have a great start to the week everyone! (By the way, I have NO clue why my letters are HUGE, blogger won't let me fix it - oh well).



  1. Yay for my feet...'cuz I could use a little repair. Just between us and everyone else who reads your blog, I do my own manicure and pedicure. Personally, I don't like to place my feet inside those tubs...that's just me:) My e-mail is Miss Janice {at} Miss Janice {dot} com.

  2. YAY for the winner...congrats Miss Janice!

    Thanks for doing this and here's to 100 more for you!!!

  3. congrats on the great giveaway!! YAY Miss Janice!! = )
